Breath Alcohol Testing
Breath Alcohol Testing
When alcohol hits your stomach, it's absorbed into your blood that is eventually carried to other parts of your body, including your lungs. Alcohol is eventually exhaled through the breath. Ultimately, this test measures how much alcohol is in a person's breath, therefore indirectly measuring how much alcohol is in a person's blood, known as their blood alcohol content or blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The test is performed by a trained breath alcohol technician (BAT) using an Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) device both of which are provided here at HealthSource Chiropractic in Watertown
Breath alcohol tests are suitable for:
- Personal uses
- Legal uses (probation, child custody, etc.)
- Employers
- DOT-regulated businesses and individuals
DOT-regulated employers must use breath alcohol testing for compliance with DOT alcohol testing requirements.
There is a one-to-one correlation between a breath alcohol level and a blood alcohol level. An individual at a 0.08% blood alcohol level will be at a 0.08% breath alcohol level. The Department of Transportation looks for BAT results of 0.02 or less. If you blow higher than that, what happens next depends on your specific agency.
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